2500KG ALKO Coupling Lever Multifit – Heavy Duty Connector for Secure Towing


The AL-KO Multifit Coupling is designed to avoid the unnecessary hassle and dangers of a mismatched combination of tow ball and coupling. While complying with national design regulations and prioritising user safety, AL-KO has developed a unique self-locking, dual-latching system to suit 1-7/8? & 50mm towballs.


The AL-KO Multifit Coupling is designed to avoid the unnecessary hassle and dangers of a mismatched combination of tow ball and coupling. While complying with national design regulations and prioritising user safety, AL-KO has developed a unique self-locking, dual-latching system to suit 1-7/8? & 50mm towballs. The system incorporates a visual engagement indicator and guides the user to remove unnecessary loads in the connection to avoid incidents when uncoupling loaded trailers. These couplings are manufactured from quality SG iron and are particularly popular with OEM companies.

Automatic Primary and Secondary Locking AL-KO?s unique self-locking engagement latch connects as it drops onto your tow ball. A visual indicator is included so you can easily identify correct engagement.

Security Provision Protect your towable investment with confidence and ease: a 10mm hole has been designed to accept a range of lockable pins for security.

Low Profile When engaged, the AL-KO Multifit coupling has one of the lowest profiles in the market, removing the annoyance associated with a tailgate that can not be fully opened with the trailer attached.

Easy Unlocking The European style handle has been ergonomically designed to fit effortlessly into the natural grasp, with the secondary mechanism conveniently located at your fingertip.

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Capacity = 2500kg
4 Hole mount = 36mm x 90mm x 10.5mm
Ball to 1st hole = 105mm